Sunday, June 6, 2010


As I'm the only one who ever looks at this bolg, I'm sure this will come as no shock....

Renovatio has been put on hold. Why you ask? Well, It might have something to do with a couple of things....ONE: No one really read it. Everyone just heard what I told them it was about, and thought it was good based on that. No one took the time to get to know the material and feel it, get into it, or believe that it had any potential. SECOND: Stage is not as glamorous as film. If I was casting for a film people would be there in a heartbeat. But the pure fact that it was a stage production, and the fact no one wanted to put their time and energy into the project, it failed.

Am I mad?

No, not really. I'm more disappointed that no one would give it the chance it deserved. I spent six years writing it. Poured my blood sweat and tears into the project and no one even cared. Well, maybe one person cared about it for a few minutes. But other than that, no one did.

For those who didn't know, the play was written to help others with those who had the same challenges in the story. But I dedicated it to my best friend, and brother Michael Pratt. The man who's life was tore from him due in part to a little girl that did whatever she wanted to make her life better. Michael Pratt gave up his life for his family, for his children so they wouldn't suffer any longer without him in the future. The Michael in the play is almost a mirror projection of the real one. Which makes this even more upsetting at the fact that I cannot put this play on.

I've said my peace, should someone would take the time and interest in the show I would be most grateful, but in the time being, it will be in the background, the shadows.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board!

So, we had a rehearsal last few weeks ago, and I discover something..... I need to really fix this script. It was a good awakening because I noticed that I was really repetitive, and a little too redundant when it came to my dialogue. So most of the first act has been reworked and shortened. Nice sweet, and to the point. With the second act soon to follow.

I wrote the first act over the past few years and my writing style has evolved. I've learned that I have come a long way. As my second act which was written in the last year was a lot better. Having people read my work was a very good test bed for the script.

Play practice should resume in the next week or two. Look here and on Facebook for our updates!

Henry Ballesteros

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Start of A New Year!

With the NEW YEAR, Renovatio is in full swing. After our meeting on Sunday we have plans to workshop, and make sure the show is up and running by March. By which time we hope to find a perfect venue to showcase our talent.

Renovatio has been on hold due in part to the holiday, and everyone's hectic schedules. But now that Christmas is over and the new year has begun we have decided to make sure that Renovatio is a sure thing.

During the course of the next few weeks we will work out the story, the dialogue, and to make sure that the casting is where we want it to be. Already we have a few cast members that are sure to bring a powerful voice to the show. We are also looking at potential venues to put the show. One option we are exploring are any surrounding high schools.

Renovatio is a message piece and is designed to help those who struggle with the topics that are in the show. It shows those who have these issues that you are not alone, that there is help, and you do not have to do it by yourself. People who struggle with drug and alcohol addictions are prone to keep it to themselves, and we aim to explore the pain they go through. Why they do or chose the drug they chose to numb themselves to the world and their problems.

I'm reminded of my favorite quote from Victor Hugo's masterpiece: Les Miserables. "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved." There are days when we want to throw it all away, get wasted, or find some outlet to our problems that may not be healthy for our bodies and our soul. If we can truly find the love in ourselves, and from family and friends...we are sure the find the strength that will help us get through anything.

Drugs are not the answer, and in almost all cases they cause a bigger problem. If you or a loved one suffers from drug and or alcohol addiction please get help for yourself or for the ones you love.

Henry D.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Prologue: The Song Bird

The fallowing is an excerpt from the new original play: Renovatio. It's the Opening scene with Michael, who is a high school history teacher, and his best friends baby sister, Liz, who is one of his students at the high school. She frequently sees him for help should she need to talk to someone.

This is just to give you a taste. More about the actual Characters will be posted later this week.


This scene takes place in the past.

On the platform, Michael(about 26 here) sits at his desk on stage right, that has a chair in front of the desk. At the far end of stage left, is a trash can.

He is a high school History teacher.

Michael sits at his desk, while, Liz (17 here) is sitting opposite of him in a chair.

MICHAEL: Did you do it? Did you write what I asked you to?

LIZ: Yeah, I have the two lists here.

She pulls out two pieces of paper from her backpack.

LIZ: This one is the list of things I'm grateful for, and this is the list of what I would like to do with my life.

A beat.


LIZ: Well what?

MICHAEL: Aren't you going to read them to me?

LIZ: Nah, you can have this one.

She hands him one of the papers.

MICHAEL: The list of things your grateful for?

LIZ: Sure, I don't need it on paper, I already know.

MICHAEL: What about the other list.

LIZ: Forget about it, it's nothing.

MICHAEL: Why would you say something like that?

LIZ: It's true.

MICHAEL: That's like saying you're nothing.

LIZ: It's just a piece of paper.


A beat.

LIZ: I can't stay long, I came to show you I did this.

MICHAEL: Grant told me that things have been hard on you since Caroline died.

LIZ: I never liked the woman. She was a whore!

MICHAEL: She's your aunt, the only blood relative that you had besides your brothers.

LIZ: I didn't have to like her. Hell, I don't like my brothers all that well.

MICHAEL: They want what's best for you.

LIZ: You always say that.

She gets up to leave.

MICHAEL: Leaving already?

LIZ: Look, I know that you and Grant are best friends, and have been since time began, but I would like it if you didn't tell him about this.

MICHAEL: You mean your list?

LIZ: I don't like him to know that I'm in "Therapy."

MICHAEL: But your not, your just here talking. I'm your neighbor, family friend, and high school History teacher. I consider you my kid sister because I've known you for so long.

LIZ: I just don't want him to know that we talk, just because he'll try and butt in, and he's already doing a good enough job of that at home.

A beat.


LIZ: Really?

MICHAEL: I promise I wont tell him.

LIZ: Thanks. I've got to go. I'll talk to you later.

She gets up and crosses to the trash can on stage left. She takes the list that's in her hand and crumples it up and tosses it in the trash then EXITS off stage left.

Michael sees this happen.

Michael gets up and goes to the trash to extract the paper. He goes to his desk and uncrumples it. He begins to read...

MICHAEL: The things I want to do with my life...

The lights fade out on him.

On a related note, this scene is taken from real life. I had the same conversation with the "real" Michael and he made me write these two lists. I still have my lists as it's a constant reminder to me of what I want to do with my life, and what I'm grateful for. The "real" Michael has been a huge influence in my life, and for this particular play. I hope you'll be interested to learn more about Renovatio and be apart of this production. Thanks.

H. David Kenning.

(COPYRIGHT©2009 to K Limited Theater Group; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Renovatio, A dramatic Truth

Renovatio is about a family that is on the verge of collapse. Personal tragedy brings them together and the empathy of one man creates a chain reaction of forgiveness.

The Lexingtons are Grant, Sam, Liz and Walter. Walter was an alcoholic and left his three children to be taken care of by their abusive aunt. Grant, the eldest, was forced take on the role of patriarch to protect his siblings. This action did as much good as it did harm. Sam and Liz wanted Grant as a brother, not a father.

In present time Grant struggles with chronic back pain that keeps him permanently on pain medication. Liz, the youngest, steals his pills to escape from deep depression. Grant’s wife Hailey knows this and calls for an intervention. Grant asks Michael, his best friend and Liz's former teacher, for help.

Suddenly Walter returns suffering from terminal leukemia. Only a blood transfusion from a blood relative will save him. The children face the choice of saving the life of the man that deserted them. Then in the middle of the chaos, Michael's wife is tragically killed in a car accident.
Renovatio is Latin for “renew.” It's theme is that of the mythical phoenix; things must burn before they are renewed. Renovatio is an original play written & directed by Henry Ballesteros.