Renovatio has been on hold due in part to the holiday, and everyone's hectic schedules. But now that Christmas is over and the new year has begun we have decided to make sure that Renovatio is a sure thing.
During the course of the next few weeks we will work out the story, the dialogue, and to make sure that the casting is where we want it to be. Already we have a few cast members that are sure to bring a powerful voice to the show. We are also looking at potential venues to put the show. One option we are exploring are any surrounding high schools.
Renovatio is a message piece and is designed to help those who struggle with the topics that are in the show. It shows those who have these issues that you are not alone, that there is help, and you do not have to do it by yourself. People who struggle with drug and alcohol addictions are prone to keep it to themselves, and we aim to explore the pain they go through. Why they do or chose the drug they chose to numb themselves to the world and their problems.
I'm reminded of my favorite quote from Victor Hugo's masterpiece: Les Miserables. "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved." There are days when we want to throw it all away, get wasted, or find some outlet to our problems that may not be healthy for our bodies and our soul. If we can truly find the love in ourselves, and from family and friends...we are sure the find the strength that will help us get through anything.
Drugs are not the answer, and in almost all cases they cause a bigger problem. If you or a loved one suffers from drug and or alcohol addiction please get help for yourself or for the ones you love.
Henry D.
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